Device Suport
- Responsible Use Agreement for devices
- Fees for Lost or Damaged Technology
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Device Use
- Tech Resources for Families
- Discounted Home Internet Access
Responsible Use Agreement for devices
Effective July 1, 2021, Illinois school districts will be required by the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) to provide guarantees that student data is protected when used by educational technology companies, and that data is used for educationally beneficial purposes only (105 ILCS 85).
Fees for Lost or Damaged Technology
Chromebooks | |
Replacement Chromebook (3100/3110) | $300.00 |
Replacement Charger (3100/3110) | $40.00 |
Touch Chrome LCD | $40.00 |
Non-touch Chrome LCD |
$20.00 |
(3100/3110) Keyboard |
$10.00 |
(3100/3110) Top Lid |
$15.00 |
(3100/3110) Bezel |
$10.00 |
(3100/3110) Bottom Plate | $10.00 |
(3100/3110) Palmrest w/ keyboard and touchpad |
$25.00 |
(3100/3110) Palmrest w/ touchpad only | $10.00 |
Sticker Removal | $25.00 |
iPads | |
Replacement iPad | $300.00 |
iPad charger | $40.00 |
Replacement iPad case |
$20.00 |
Replacement iPad screen |
$175.00 |
Sticker Removal | $25.00 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Device Use
can my child bring their own laptop/tablet to school?
Because of the required programs and support that is necessary for students in the classroom, students must use school-issued devices for all educational activities in the classroom.
¿Mi hijo/a puede traer su propia computadora portátil/tableta a la escuela?
Debido a los programas requeridos y el apoyo que es necesario para los estudiantes en el salón de clases, los estudiantes deben usar dispositivos facilitados por la escuela para todas las actividades educativas en el salón.
can my child use their own device at home?
For school-related activities (homework, research, online classwork, etc.), students will be required to use their district-issued device. While students may be able to access many educational sites, including Schoology, on their own device, please be aware that their experience on their home device versus a district-issued device may be different. District issued devices are filtered for inappropriate content and are set up for optimal functionality with district-approved apps, extensions, and websites.
¿Mi hijo/a puede usar su propio dispositivo en casa?
Para las actividades relacionadas con la escuela (tareas, investigación, trabajo en clase en línea, etc.), los estudiantes deberán usar el dispositivo facilitado por su distrito. Aunque los estudiantes pueden acceder a muchos sitios educativos, incluyendo Schoology, en sus propios dispositivos, tenga en cuenta que la experiencia en sus dispositivos domésticos comparado a un dispositivo facilitado por el distrito puede ser diferente. Los dispositivos facilitados por el Distrito filtran contenido inapropiado y se configuran para una funcionalidad óptima con aplicaciones, extensiones y sitios web aprobados por el Distrito.
can students download apps or extensions onto their devices?
Students may only download apps and extensions that have been approved by West Aurora School District 129. Students using iPads have access to the Self-Service store and may download apps. Students using Chromebooks may download approved apps and extensions through the Chrome Web Store.
¿Los estudiantes pueden descargar aplicaciones o extensiones en sus dispositivos?
Los estudiantes solo pueden descargar aplicaciones y extensiones que hayan sido aprobadas por el Distrito Escolar 129 de West Aurora. Los estudiantes que usan iPads tienen acceso a la tienda de autoservicio y pueden descargar aplicaciones. Los estudiantes que usan Chromebooks pueden descargar aplicaciones y extensiones aprobadas a través de Chrome Web Store.
Can students watch streaming media on district issued devices (Netflix/Hulu/etc)?
Students sign the district Acceptable Use Policy at the beginning of the year, which outlines the proper uses of district-issued devices. Students should only be using devices for educational purposes and accessing sites that have been approved by their teacher. This may include educational videos that have been embedded into the curriculum at West Aurora School District 129.
¿Los estudiantes pueden ver transmisiones de medios de comunicación en dispositivos facilitados por el Distrito (Netflix / Hulu / etc.)?
Los estudiantes firman la Póliza de Uso Aceptable del distrito al comienzo del año, que describe los usos adecuados de los dispositivos facilitados por el distrito. Los estudiantes solo deben usar dispositivos con fines educativos y acceder a sitios que hayan sido aprobados por su maestro/a. Esto puede incluir videos educativos que se han incorporado al plan de estudios en el Distrito Escolar 129 de West Aurora.
Can we use devices to play games at home?
Students sign the district Acceptable Use Policy at the beginning of the year, which outlines the proper uses of district-issued devices. Students should only be using devices for educational purposes and accessing sites that have been approved by their teacher. This may include educational games that have been embedded into the curriculum at West Aurora School District 129. Students on district-issued devices will experience similar filtering features at both home and school.
¿Podemos usar los dispositivos para jugar en casa?
Los estudiantes firman la Póliza de Uso Aceptable del distrito al comienzo del año, que describe los usos adecuados de los dispositivos facilitados por el distrito. Los estudiantes solo deben usar los dispositivos con fines educativos y acceder a sitios que hayan sido aprobados por su maestro/a. Esto puede incluir juegos educativos que se han incorporado al plan de estudios en el Distrito Escolar 129 de West Aurora. Respecto a los dispositivos facilitados por el Distrito, los estudiantes experimentarán características de filtrado similares tanto en el hogar como en la escuela.
Will the district monitor what my student is doing on the Internet while at home?
District 129 uses a content filter that limits what students are able to view on the Internet while using district-owned devices. This content filter monitors the student’s internet usage while at school and at home. The filter is configured to block objectionable content and non-age appropriate websites, but no content filter is perfect. There is no substitute for parental monitoring of student use of devices while students are at home.
¿El Distrito monitorizará lo que mi estudiante está haciendo en Internet mientras está en casa?
El Distrito 129 usa un filtro de contenido que limita lo que los estudiantes pueden ver en Internet mientras usan dispositivos del Distrito. Este filtro de contenido monitoriza el uso de Internet de los estudiantes mientras están en la escuela y en casa. El filtro está configurado para bloquear contenido objetable y sitios web no apropiados para la edad, pero ningún filtro de contenido es perfecto. No hay mejor sustituto de monitoreo como los padres, mientras los estudiantes hacen uso de los dispositivos en casa.
Will my student have more homework with devices going home?
The workload for each class is determined by individual teachers. The devices are meant to be a tool for students to use and should not impact a change in the homework that is assigned.
¿Mi estudiante tendrá más tarea con los dispositivos en casa?
La carga de trabajo para cada clase está determinada por los maestros individualmente. El objetico es que los dispositivos sean una herramienta para que los estudiantes la utilicen y no deberían impactar cambios en la tarea asignada.
Will the charging cord be provided when students take devices home?
Yes. All devices will be sent home with the proper accessories to charge the devices. Students should only use accessories provided by the district to charge their devices. Third party chargers can damage the device and should not be used. If you are interested in purchasing additional chargers for your devices, please send an email to It is the students’ responsibility to bring their devices to school fully charged and ready to use. Damage to the cords is also covered under the district Technology Protection Plan and should be reported to their teacher immediately.
¿Se proporcionará el cable de carga cuando los estudiantes lleven los dispositivos a casa?
Sí. Todos los dispositivos se enviarán a casa con los accesorios adecuados para cargarlos. Los estudiantes solo deben usar accesorios provistos por el Distrito para cargar sus dispositivos. Los cargadores de terceros pueden dañar el dispositivo y no deben usarse. Si está usted interesado/a en comprar cargadores adicionales para sus dispositivos, envíe un correo electrónico a Es responsabilidad de los estudiantes traer sus dispositivos a la escuela completamente cargados y listos para usarse. El daño a los cables también está cubierto por el Plan de Protección de Tecnología del Distrito y se debe informar a su maestro/a de inmediato.
Tech Resources for Families
Tech Resources for Families
We know that families may occasionally need support with our instructional tech platforms and devices. We have created several videos and documents to assist you and your student to minimize any disruption to instruction. Many resources are available in English and Spanish. We will continue to add resources here as needed.
General Tech
How to do challenge questions on Portal Guard
Como hacer preguntas de seguridad en el Portal Guard
Como activar y desactivar el acceso guiado en un iPad
iPad Shortcut Screen w/Captions
Check Wifi Connection on iPad
Wifi Connection Issues
Self Service- How to Download Apps
How to check if there are iOS updates available
How to Reset Your Password on PW Reset Page
Creating Website Shortcuts on an iPad Home Screen
How to Reset Your Password on PW Reset Page
How to Create a Website Shortcut on iPad Home screen
How to delete and re-add an app from Self Service
How to clear cache/cookies on an iPad
Cerrar aplicaciones al fuerza
Problemas con conectiva de wifi
Comprueba la conexion wifi en el iPad
Autoservicio-Como descargar aplicaciones
Pantalla de acceso directo del iPad con subtitulos
Como eliminar y reinstalar una aplicacion
How to wrap your Chromebook charger
How to shut down your Chromebook
How to turn on/off accessibility features on a Chromebook
How to fix a rotated screen on a Chromebook
How to check if there are ChromeOS updates available
How to take a screenshot
Chromebook Starter Document for New Students
View document
How to check if there are ChromeOS updates available
Chromebook Starter Document for New Students
View document
How to Reset Your Password on PW Reset Page
How to check camera and microphone settings in Chrome (troubleshooting)
How to use Dualless Extension for Students
How to clear cookies/cache on a student Chromebook
How to Reset Your Password on PW Reset Page
How to Login to the Sora website
Using the Sora website (Samples and Borrowing)
Destiny Login and Overview
Como envolver el cargador de tu Chromebook-( video sin audio)
Seesaw (Pre-K-5th)
What is Seesaw?
Log in to Seesaw with Google
How to Change Classes in Seesaw
How to find activities in Seesaw
How to complete an activity in Seesaw
Seesaw Family app vs. Seesaw Class app
Functions of Different Tools in Seesaw
How to post to directly to the journal in Seesaw
Where to find class announcements/messages in Seesaw
How to check if Seesaw app is updated to latest version
Student Login to Seesaw on iPad (screenshots)
How to Login to Seesaw on Kindle Fire (PreK only)
Como cambiar clases en Seesaw
Como encontrar actividades en Seesaw
Como completar actividades en Seesaw
Seesaw-Aplicacion de clase vs. Aplicacion de familia
Funciones de diferentes herramientas en Seesaw
Como publicar directamente en el diario de Seesaw
Como encontrar anuncios y mensajes en Seesaw
Como encontrar anuncios y mensajes en Seesaw
Como comprobar que su aplicacion de Seesaw esta actualizada
Schoology (6th-12th)
Get to/Log in to Schoology
How to submit an assignment on Schoology
Connect Google Drive to Schoology
How to access folders in Schoology
How to use your phone to turn in a photo assignment on Schoology
How to Check Missing Work/Grades - STUDENT VIEW
How to Check Missing Work/Grades - PARENT VIEW
Log in to Zoom from website
Log into Zoom from Schoology Without App
Log in to Zoom from a Schoology with App
Log in to Pearson Easy Bridge with SSO
How to open a pdf in Kami from Schoology assignment or link
How to edit an assignment in Kami
Kami Uploads folder in Google Drive
How to submit a Kami assignment to Schoology
Discounted Home Internet Access
If your family currently possesses a district-issued hotspot, we kindly request that you return it to the library at your child’s school. For those with students at West Aurora High School, please return the hotspot to the Nexus.
If your family requires a replacement to meet your wifi needs, we want to inform you that Comcast has updated its Internet Essentials program, which is available to eligible families for $9.95/mo. with waived equipment fees (please refer to this attached flyer). To become eligible for this program, please see these steps:
If your family is “Direct Certified” with the State of Illinois, contact Vanessa Solis ( or Zayra Chavez ( for your eligibility letter.
If your family is not Direct Certified, you will need to complete this fee waiver form and return it to or drop it off at the SD129 registration office located at 1877 W. Downer Place, Aurora.
Once your family is either Direct Certified or approved through the fee waiver process, you will be issued an eligibility letter that can be used for the discounted price through Comcast.
Students can reset their passwords on the Password Reset page. Students also can access this site on another device such as another computer, phone, etc, if they can't get into their chromebooks.
Please call 630-301-5038 and follow the prompts to leave a message and you will be called back.
*To clarify, this service provides tech support only and operators will not be equipped to answer other questions nor give homework assistance.